Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Harvey electronics receives loan OKAY on \$1.5M

WASHINGTON — Harvey Electronics Inc., which arranged for late last year of the bankruptcy, won meantime agreement, in order a loan $1,5 million as part its Chapter 11 reorganization to knock.

Judge Allan L Gropper United States bankruptcy Court in Manhattan on Thursday gave Harvey to electronics meantime agreement, in order to knock the bankruptcy loan, so that company knew cover wage and pay roll and legal departures, as well as other expenses, die is necessary to hold its business enterprises going. Gropper said die financing helps to reorganize also Harvey electronics.

Gropper will more consider more whether, to its final benediction of the bankruptcy loan at a Kw_hearing on January. to give 25.

Harvey electronics is a retailer and habit a Installateur of the main theatres -, audio and video products in the New York large city inhabitant area.

Kw_company said, it for more Chapter 11 on December. , 2007 arranged 28, after its acquisition of Myer Emco Inc.. failed, in order to ooze. Harvey electronics said negotiations for a merger broke off, after financing was more difficult, while credit markets tightened Die “diverson and die expenses” from failed fusion, Harvey electronics said, it cost more than $1,2 million.

Myer Emco is a privately possessed retailer and Gewohnheitsinstallateur, who are created in the Washington, DC suburbs. Harvey electronics expected die fusion its size to have geverdoppelt.

Harvey electronics said in December. 28 statement, which it “immediately” document a Chapter 11 reorganization plan and hopes expect to emerge, from the bankruptcy, by it spring.

Die company specified in its Bankrottpetition, die between $1 million to $100 million in the values and debts in same has, extend.

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Monday, February 25, 2008

New device beginning to consumer electronics Show

VEGAS &MDASH READ; The VCR debuted there. Act so more camcorder, the digital disk player, die Xbox, highly soluble and plasma television. For more than 40 years annual international consumer electronics has Show, Monday in read Vegas begins, than die Prime Minister product introduction edition for die electronic and coolest die devices of the industry served newest products.

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