Monday, April 28, 2008

Gracenote extends partnership with Philips

_ Gracenote Inc. have deepen its partnership with Philips too create fully Suite of audio video finger mark, D company said Friday.

_ _ create Gracenote’s audio finger mark technology take sample of music and mark it using extensively data base — and then on D song and album send information back to computer and music players.

_ _ its deal with Philips will add that company’s video finger mark technology a too create completely package, D company said.

_ _ D deal its extension of partnership begin in 2004, what connect audio finger mark technology with Gracenote’s data base and net a service.

_ _ Gracenote to demonstrate to be Video platform at D consumer electronics Show in read Vegas again.

_ _ royally Philips’s electronics ( NYSE: _ PHG) (AEX: _ PHI) its based in D the Netherlands _

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